DSP Management

Programmatic Amazon DSP Management:

Turning Precision into Profits

From first glance to final purchase, DSP allows you to target smarter, and harder.

Maximize exposure, minimize spend—smart targeting distilled into three powerful letters: DSP.

Amazon DSP helps you send the right message to the right people when they’re ready to listen. It’s all about personal touch — not just any ad, but one that feels like it’s made for them.

With Amazon DSP, your ads become personal nudges that turn curiosity into transactions.

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What We Do

Beyond visibility; it's about precision. Using real-time shopping insights, your campaigns steadily grow more cost-effective.

Your ads won’t just appear, they’ll resonate at the right moment. With a track record of delivering 5X ROAS or higher with DSP for our clients, our confidence in DSP isn’t just strong — it’s proven.


Matching your product innovation with precise, profit-driven Amazon DSP campaigns.

Amazon DSP Assessment


We’ll assess your Amazon presence, product lineup, target audience, sales performance, and revenue goals. This forms the basis for a DSP strategy tailored to drive your business forward.



Our full-funnel DSP strategy covers every stage of the customer journey. We outline clear objectives, optimize targeting, and refine campaigns to boost engagement, conversions, and ROI.

Amazon DSP Reporting


You’ll receive weekly updates detailing your campaign’s performance. This provides clarity on what’s effective and where adjustments are necessary, helping us make informed decisions that continue driving results.



We’re constantly fine-tuning your DSP campaigns and keeping an eye out for ways to make them even better. Just like Amazon, the world of DSP is always changing, and our focus is on achieving long-term growth for your brand through DSP, not just short-term wins.

Amazon DSP - Growth, Support, Profit guidance


We’ll guide you through ad spend recommendations, with a focus on your profits. With our support, you’ll spend smarter, not just more, aiming for steady, profitable brand growth.

Amazon DSP Growth


We’re in it for the long-haul. We continuously optimize and test every element of your campaigns until they’re spot on, and then optimize some more. Our goal? To help you become the next big brand on Amazon.

Results that speak for themselves


More traffic to FitTea Amazon page from organic ranking


Reduction in ACOS for HappyV with our PPC analysis


Growth in revenue for Tenzo through creative advertising strategy


Growth in ad revenue for Real Mushrooms through DSP advertising


More traffic to FitTea Amazon page from organic ranking


Reduction in ACOS for HappyV with our PPC analysis


Growth in revenue for Tenzo through creative advertising strategy


Growth in ad revenue for Real Mushrooms through DSP advertising


Growth in CTR for Organics Nature by optimizing their main images


Reduction in TACOS for Vitargo through tight keyword pruning processes


New sessions for Labrada’s new pro series from a well planned launch


Increase in profits for MMA Nutrition by implementing premium A


Growth in CTR for Organics Nature by optimizing their main images


Reduction in TACOS for Vitargo through tight keyword pruning processes


New sessions for Labrada’s new pro series from a well planned launch


Increase in profits for MMA Nutrition by implementing premium A


Get your hands on a free Amazon video audit, so you
can make data-driven decisions and maximize your ROI.

Not sure if DSP is the right fit for you? Using DSP, but looking for guidance?

We've got the answers.

Expert analysis at no cost: Our DSP specialists will audit your account for free, providing data-backed suggestions to immediately increase your ROI.


Individually, Powerful. Together, Unstoppable.

When you combine DSP with PPC, your ads excel at every phase of your customers' shopping journey, both on and off Amazon.

You’re not just making an impression; you’re making the right impression at the perfect time, every time. 

Investing in DSP and PPC isn’t just a strategy; it’s your pathway to profitability.

Let’s Make it Personal

In the era of personalization, showing the same ads to everyone just doesn't cut it

DSP tailors ads to fit individual preferences, and PPC ensures ads appear when customers actively search for your solution.

Together, they create a personalized experience that builds immediate trust. DSP and PPC become your brand’s builders, constructing connections that matter.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Real Voices, Real Results

CEO, Neuro

The team is always available to answer my questions and provide guidance on optimizing my campaigns.


I highly recommend working with them if you want to increase your sales or generate more leads.

COO, Organic Iced Tea Manufacturer

The team is on top of daily changes to efficiently spend on Amazon while driving high ROAS.

Owner, Amazon Brand

They are kind enough to give me explanations when needed to help me learn.

CEO, Boomn

We are impressed with how detailed they are in their execution. They have a lot of data points as well.

President, Innovix Pharma

Trivium is head and shoulders above the rest.


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