Home » Success on Amazon Podcasts » Conversion Rate Optimization On Amazon
Welcome to the Amazon Blueprint Podcast! In this episode, I’ll be discussing the importance of conversion rate optimization on Amazon.
It’s a crucial factor that can make or break your success on the platform. No matter how much traffic you drive to your listing through Amazon advertising and PPC, if your conversion rate is low, it won’t make a difference.
Tune in to learn more about how you can improve your conversion rate and boost your sales on Amazon.
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Meet Mina, a dynamic entrepreneur, chemical engineer turned Amazon expert, and founder of Trivium Group, an Amazon Growth Agency. Leveraging his success in scaling the supplement brand MMA Nutrition from its inception to a seven-figure enterprise, Mina has become a thought leader with a robust presence in the e-commerce domain. His journey includes speaking engagements on major Amazon industry stages, consulting over 400 brands, and appearances on 300+ Amazon and e-commerce podcasts, showcasing his expertise. As a continuous leader and innovator in the Amazon space, Mina’s entrepreneurial spirit and strategic insights drive success in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.
Welcome back to the Amazon Blueprint Podcast. Conversion rate optimization on Amazon. Very, very, very big, very important. The reason it’s so important is because you can do all you want with Amazon advertising, PPC, drive traffic, bring 100,000 people a day to your listing. If your conversion rate is not good, it doesn’t make any difference. Here’s the thing. If you’re driving a shitload of traffic to your listings and you increase conversion rate by 5%, 10%, 15%, it has a huge multiplier effect. In this episode, what I’m going to do is I’m going to walk through step-by-step every piece of the listing, and I’m going to talk about exactly how to optimize that listing, how to improve conversion rate, how to track it, all of that good stuff. Welcome back to the show. This is the Amazon Blueprint, where I talk about everything Amazon, very tactical, step-by-step, guides that you can take from this episode and implement right away. My name is Mina Elias, Founder of Trivium Group and Amazon Advertising Agency. We specialize in growing brands on Amazon. We have about 77, 78 people on the team, 140-something brands under management. I have my own supplement brand and I live and breathe Amazon.
I want to share as much information as possible with you guys. I want to give away all of my secrets so that you can turn around and implement it and benefit and then hit me up and say, Mina, you changed my life. Thank you so much. Let’s get right into it. I’m on the listing here. The first thing that you’re going to see is the main image. Main image also impacts click-through. Let’s talk about the main image. What can you do to improve the main image? First of all, make sure that it’s HD and make sure that you talk to your designer and you say, Hey, I need this to be the highest quality possible. You might need to compress it so that when it uploads, it doesn’t reduce the quality on Amazon. Next is you need two things. You need one thing to make the image pop, and you need a second thing to sell the product. The first thing is I’m going to type in the main keywords and I’m going to look at the search results. What’s one thing that I can add to my main image that’s going to make it pop?
I’m looking at a product right now. It’s a gum, it’s a caffeine gum. I can see the mint, beautiful mint, and I can see the pieces of gum. They look very delicious. One way is to have fruits or if it’s chocolate, they have chocolates or whatever, things like that. Now, the other thing that you can do is add sales to the packaging. Here’s a quick trick. You can manipulate the label a little bit. If you have a product main image and you look at it and it’s exactly the real label, but maybe it’s hard to see some of the words, it’s hard to see that it’s electrolyte powder, it’s to see that it’s a hydration powder, you can enhance the size of that. You can maybe add some logos like a Made in America logo, things like that. But then when it comes to the actual product, if there is an opportunity to have a box, a fake box in the back, so we just did this with Skinny P pasta, where it was a six-pack or a 24-pack, something like that. I got the box and I said, Listen, you guys are going to have the box and you’re going to have the bags inside the box.
I don’t care about the bags as much, but the box, I can put these big tests saying it’s nine calories for an entire bag of pasta, zero carbs, this, that, 24-pack, all of these big callouts that help sell the product. That’s one way to use packaging to sell your main image. At the end of the day, when someone types in a keyword and then they go into the search results and they see your product, they should know, Oh, I should choose this product because it’s selling me. It’s zero sugar, zero carbs, it’s lifetime warranty, it’s durable, it’s whatever it is, whatever it may be. You’re trying to sell the product from the packaging. Now, I want to add a data-driven approach to this. You’re going to use a software like Intellivie or like Pickfu or like Product PINI. You’re going to go in and you’re going to put your current main image versus your competitor’s main image, and then you’re going to upload the new main image and again, test it against the competitor’s main image. You’re going to ask if you’re buying an electrolyte powder, which product would you choose and why? You’re going to get that feedback and you’re going to look at the percentage that you’re winning.
I would run a few tests and get the average percentage because you don’t want to base it all on one test that you want some statistical significance. You want to make sure that your new image is beating your competitors by more than your old image. If your old image is being chosen 13%, your new image should be chosen 50 or 40% or whatever, and it should be the highest chosen one. If it’s not, then you got work to do. Obviously, if we’re not competing on price or reviews, you should easily have the best image. You have the opportunity to keep optimizing your image until it’s the best. Now, I understand sometimes you’re not able to because you chose shitty branding and you weren’t that good when you launched your brand and all this stuff. That’s all good. Do the best that you can. You want the biggest increase when it comes to the number of people choosing your main image. Next is going to be the rest of the images. Conversion rate optimization for the rest of the images. You want to take advantage of the rest of the images? There’s probably going to be five.
You’re going to have six images total: one main image, five images, and then videos. If you don’t have videos, you can have more images, but I recommend that you add videos. Anyways, let’s talk about the images. By the way, now Amazon launched this A/B testing and Manage My Experiments. They used to be only for main image, but now it can be done also for the rest of the images, which is cool because now you can split test and see which of the images are doing better. Now, each image should sell your product. I see a lot of people putting up these images that are just the front of the bottle, the side of the bottle, the front of the product, the side of the product, the product in someone’s hand, whatever, blah, blah, blah. I don’t know why I should buy your product. It’s not telling me why I should buy your product. When you create these images, second, third, fourth, fifth image, what you want to do is you want to make sure that these images are selling your product and showing people why your product is better than everyone else. They want to do it visually and you also want to do it with big text callouts.
Not small text callouts, big text callouts. In these text callouts, you want to say, Hey, here’s why this product is better than everyone else. Here’s how it’s going to improve your life. Here’s the benefit of it. Include before and afters, include social proof, featured in this and that. If you’ve ever been on Shark Tank, flex that super hard. Those are things that you can do to your image. Let me take a quick step back. Before you make any change, you want to have analytics and you want to be tracking your click-through rate and conversion rate in your number of sessions every single day. By changing these things, if we’re talking about the main image because it affects click-through rate, you’re going to see that more people are coming to the listing and you’re going to see that your click-through rate went up. But if it’s conversion rate, you want to track your conversion rate and you want to see that your conversion rate improved over time. I like to look at it like week-over-week segment. Last week, my conversion rate was 13%. This week, it’s now 14%. Next week, it’s maybe 15%. I’m trying to stack wins.
I’m trying to stack improve my main image, improve the rest of my images, add a video, optimize my title, add a coupon, whatever, all of these little things. Next, let’s talk about videos. Video are important. One way to quickly optimize your listing and improve the conversion rate of your listing is to add a video, something that’s like an sandboxing experience, someone who’s reviewing the product. You can easily get this done. You can find people on Instagram to do it. You can use Incense Pro, you can use join brands. You can just hit up influencers or whatever and say, Hey, I want you to do an unboxing for me. If you have friends and family that are good at it, you can also ask them. You can say, Hey, can you just film an boxing video and talk about the benefits of the product and how you liked using it and all that stuff. Next, let’s move to the title. Conversion rate optimization when it comes to the title is better SEO on the title. I like to use DataDive. The reason that I use DataDive is because it quantifies the SEO value of my title.
If you go to Battle of the Titles and DataDive, DataDive is a software. It’s not that expensive, maybe 100 bucks a month, something like that. But you go into a battle of the Titles and you can put your title versus your top 10 competitors’ titles, and then you can rewrite a new title and it’ll tell you which keywords you’re missing from your title and which keywords you need to add more of in your title and which roots you need to add in your title like keyword roots. That’s going to increase your SEO value of your title. Then you can compare it against your old title and your competitors’ titles and create a title that’s better than everyone else. Now, if you were to do this manually, you would need at least Helium 10. You’re going to sign up for Helium 10. You’re going to go get the X-ray. You’re going to go into Amazon. Com. You’re going to type in your main keyword. You’re going to find the top search results. You’re going to choose your top, let’s say, eight competitors and yourself, and you’re going to open up X-ray. Once you choose yourself and your competitors, run in Cerebro.
Cerebro is going to give you a list of all of the keywords that all of you guys are ranking for or even indexing for. Then from there, you’re going to add some filters. I would do a filter, which is at least 500 searches or more a month. Maximum rank is 60. Minimum ranking competitors, I would do seven out of the nine or eight out of the nine. Eight out of the nine might be a little bit too tight, so seven out of the nine might be fine. That would mean show me the intersection of all of the keywords that we’re all ranking for. It will give you a very high specialized list. You can then take that list and you can find the top keywords with the high search volume and try and add them into your listing as early as possible. For me, electrolyte powder is the highest search volume for electrolyte powders, or maybe it’s electrolyte powder, one of the two. That’s the first two keywords that I want to have in my listing. Then I’m going to look at price. There’s a software that I’ve been using that’s been phenomenal. It’s called Profasee, P-R-O-F-A-S-E-E.
What it does is it uses AI to test your price at different times and all this stuff, and it’s been able to significantly improve my profits. I’m talking bottom line, keeping ad spend and everything the same, all the rest of my listing the same. Just by testing price and increasing price and decreasing price and all this stuff in different times, it’s allowed me to increase my bottom line and my profits. If you want to do this manually, obviously test a lower price or a higher price. When you test a higher price, what that’s going to do is you might not get a better conversion, you might get a slightly worse conversion, but your profits might go up. If you’re selling, let’s say, 80, 100 units a day, you might increase your profits if you increase your price by a dollar, by 80-100. That’s if you don’t lose any sales. However, if you lower your price, maybe you can get more velocity. Your click-through rate can go up, your conversion rate can go up, and you might see that your total revenue and your profits went up. You always want to split test your price. You also want to split test coupons.
You want to add discount coupons. The biggest one, if you have a consumer product like a supplement or something that’s recurring, I love to add five dollars off or something like that your first subscribe and save. Let’s say my product is usually $30. With subscribe and save, you get 10% off. This gives you $5 off on your first subscribe and save, really pushing people to subscribe and save. In my first week, I added 83 new subscribe and saves. I don’t know if they did it monthly subscribe and save or once every three months or whatever it is, but at the end of the day, it added a lot more subscriptions. I think if I can keep adding and adding and adding my subscriptions, I’ll get to a point where I’m passively generating a lot of revenue because I’ve added a lot of subscribe and save. I’ve been making a big push for subscribe and save because obviously, once I acquire a customer, I don’t want to keep reacquiring them. Again, test different coupons. You can have a dollar coupon, you can have a percentage-off coupon, you can have certain amounts. What I’ve seen is usually that 50% of the people will claim your coupon.
Let’s say 100 people clipped your coupon, only 50 will actually fully claim it and get that discount. Let’s say you set a 10% discount, you’re probably effectively setting a 5% discount. Promotions work too. I would always do tiered promotions. Buy two, get 10% off. Buy three, get 15% off. Buy four, get 20% off. All of these things, again, can help increase your average order value. But I want to stay focused on conversion rate and optimization. Next thing is reviews and star rating. The more reviews you have, the better. The higher your star rating, the better. My strategy for reviews is pretty simple. It is against terms of service. But what I like to do is I like to do cold outbound outreach on Instagram and Yelp and other platforms like that where people are there and then offer them the product say, We’re looking for product testers, give us feedback, and if they like the product, we’ll ask them for a review. Usually, they’re obliged because they got the product for free. On top of that, I use Sellerise and I connect Sellerise. It’s S-E-L-L-E-R-I-S-E. I connected to my account and then there’s the software where it automates the request review button.
Basically, in all of the orders, any order, you click on your order, you’re going to see do a refund and request a review. It automatically clicks the request or view button. What that does is Amazon sends an email to your customer saying, Hey, how did you like this product? To rate it 1-5 stars. It gets you a rating and not a review, but whatever. I also like to get reviews with images and videos. What I do is I do a little bit of outreach on Instagram to more influencers. I can tell the guys and the girls that like posting themselves and say, Hey, listen, I’m looking to get some video reviews on my Amazon listing. Would you be down for that? Cool. Yeah. How much do you charge? 50 bucks, 100 bucks, whatever it is. Pay them the money, they get the product, they do this video, and they upload it to the reviews. Then we move down to virtual bundles. Now, virtual bundles, when you talk about conversion rate optimization, the only reason that I like virtual bundles is because they push down competitors’ sponsored ads. When you see products related to this item, it’s sponsored.
With virtual bundles, it pushes it a little bit down. I’ve seen that increased conversion a little bit. Nothing crazy, but definitely helps to have. Next brand story A-plus, that’s definitely going to have a huge impact on your conversion rate, especially when you mention your mission and your story and talk about the founder and things like that. I know a lot of people like to hide behind they don’t want to be the face of the brand, but try and come up with something that resonates with your audience. Using the brand story A+ content also opens up the ability for you to get premium A+ content. Now, here is what you need to do. You basically need to submit 15 A+ contents and get them approved and also have brand story on every single one of your SKUs, and then you get to apply and get eligibility for premium A+. With your A+, it’s exactly like the rest of the images that I talked about. You want to sell your product, not just like features and benefits, but it’s, Why should I buy this? Why is this better than everyone else? How is this going to improve my life?
Images, very image-heavy, very infographic-heavy, very big text, make it like minimal reading. Most people do not like to read, so just make it very minimal reading. Then we move down to videos. Video on the listing is crucial. Again, very easy for you to get. It’s not hard. You can DM people on Instagram, you can hit up your friends and family, and anyone can upload a video. You can literally have people come over to your house and say, Hey, can you film a video talk about how you like this product, blah, blah, blah? Film that video and just take their phone and log in to their Amazon or go to their Amazon app and just upload a video. Literally takes three seconds to upload this video and a lot of people will watch the videos and looking for that social proof, looking for people to say, I tried it, this is how I used it, this is how I benefited from it, all of that stuff. As a result, people will buy it. Then the final section is the reviews. I touched on reviews already. I talked about how you can use them. One more thing I want to add is make sure that you get people that are going to leave you image reviews and going to leave you video reviews.
That’s going to help a lot. Now, that sums up conversion rate optimization on Amazon. Again, please remember to change only one thing at a time. It’s called the controlled experiment. Basically, with everything the same, including hopefully your advertising spend, so you can see apples to apples, you change one thing. You look at your click-through rate and conversion rate, and then you document, you say, Hey, I changed this thing. Let’s look at what happens to conversion rate. If you guys want my analytics software, basically I partnered with a software company and I custom built everything, my own dashboards. It tracks everything that you want, so spend, sessions, click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per click, all of that good stuff, just email me. My email is minah@trivium. Com, and I’ll get you set up. There’s no way to sign this up. It’s not open to the public. It’s not something I’m actively trying to sell. If people need it, they can. If not, also hit me up. I’ll give you our free version. It’s a Google Sheet. You have to fill it yourself or probably hire an assistant, virtual assistant, or someone to fill it out. Again, very important that you track your conversion rate every single day, every single week.
Whenever you make a change, you make one change at a time, you put a comment and you say, Hey, on this date, I changed this date. If you’re not tracking it, it’s going to be almost impossible for you to figure it out. Now, the final piece of this, and it’s a little bit nerdy, is statistical significance. What you want to do is you want to take, let’s say, the last 14 days of your conversion rate and look at the standard deviation and the average. You can do average plus standard deviation, and that’s the max. After the change, look at the period, document all of the conversion rates, let’s say for another 14 days, and then do the average and standard deviation for those data points. From there, you’re going to do average plus standard deviation, and you’re going to get, again, your max conversion rate. If your max conversion rate has increased, it means that you are on the right track and the conversion rate is actually better. But if they’re very close or they haven’t changed, they’re maybe a little bit lower, then there’s no statistical significance or you might have lost conversion rate and change it back.
Whatever change you made did not work for the best. That’s it for this episode, guys. I wanted it to be super tactical. I wanted to go through every piece of the listing. I wanted to break down everything. There’s a lot more that I’m going to share about other things like brand tailored promotions or how cook-through-rate and conversion rate affect your PPC. Make sure you stay tuned. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast. I will be coming up with a lot of tactical heat. This is going to be better than the YouTube and all this stuff because honestly, between you and me, it’s a lot easier to record podcast episodes when you’re not on camera. It’s a lot less friction. If you guys want me to talk about anything specific, please hit me up. My Instagram is @thepheaminaolias. Linkedin is Menaolias. Again, if you want a full free audit for your entire listing, I can go through the entire listing, show you everything that you need to do to improve specifically for you as well as everything on the advertising side. Go to triviumco.com. That’s T-R-I-V-I-U-M-C-O. Com and get the free audit. See you in the next episode, guys.
Get your hands on a free Amazon video audit, so you can make data-driven decisions and maximize your ROI.
Get your hands on a free Amazon video audit, so you can make data-driven decisions and maximize your ROI.
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